New Year, New Saving Goals:

Earn 4.25% APY* with Share Certificates!

Start the year strong with a secure and rewarding way to grow your savings. Choose a term that fits your goals and watch your savings flourish. Open yours now through digital banking or visit any of our branches.

It's the start of a new year and no better time to give your saving goals a boost! We’re offering you an exclusive opportunity to earn up to 4.25% APY* with our 6-month Share Certificates!

Why take advantage of this offer?

  • 4.25% APY: Watch your savings grow faster with our highest rate available.
  • Limited-Time Offer: Don’t miss out—catch this rate before it’s gone!
  • Safe and Secure: Your funds are protected with Maui County FCU and insured by the NCUA up to $250,000.

How to get started:

  • With a Few Clicks in Digital Banking: From the main menu in online or mobile banking, select "Accounts," choose "Open a Savings/CD," then select "Certificates" and follow the steps to make your selections and add a beneficiary.
  • Learn More: Check out our Share Certificate rates here.
  • Visit a Branch: Drop by any of our branches and open your Share Certificate in person.

Don't let this season’s golden opportunity pass by—lock in your rate today and watch your savings grow with Maui County FCU!


* Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) are accurate as of February 1, 2025. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawals. Must be a Maui County Federal Credit Union member. $1,000.00 minimum opening balance. Dividends are credited to your Regular Share account or back to certificate.