Account Rates

Thank you for trusting us with your hard-earned money. We promise to return the favor with dividend rates designed to put your deposits on a growth track.

We know that every dollar makes a difference

It's a challenge to build your savings to where you want it to be. That's why Maui County Federal Credit Union pays competitive rates on all types of savings accounts, such as IRAs, Share Certificates, and ESAs, as well as dividend-earning checking options.



Account Type Dividend Rate APY** Minimum Opening Deposit Minimum Balance to earn APY Dividend Frequency
Malama Rewards Checking* 4.89% 5.00% $25.00 $100.00 Monthly
Checking 0.025% 0.025% $25.00 $100.00 Monthly



Account Type Dividend Rate APY** Minimum Opening Deposit Minimum Balance to earn APY Dividend Frequency
Regular Savings 0.05% 0.05% $5.00 $100.00 Monthly
Kids Club Account 0.05% 0.05% $5.00 $100.00 Monthly
Teen Account 0.05% 0.05% $5.00 $100.00 Monthly
Christmas Savings 0.05% 0.05% $5.00 N/A Annually



Term Dividend Rate APY*** Min. Opening Deposit Dividend Frequency
6-month 4.17% 4.25% $1,000.00 Monthly
1-year 3.93% 4.00% $1,000.00 Monthly
2-year 3.45% 3.50% $1,000.00 Monthly
3-year 3.45% 3.50% $1,000.00 Monthly
4-year 2.96% 3.00% $1,000.00 Monthly
5-year 2.96% 3.00% $1,000.00 Monthly



Account Type Dividend Rate APY** Minimum Opening Deposit Minimum Balance to earn APY Dividend Frequency
Traditional 3.45% 3.50% $5.00 N/A Monthly
Roth 3.45% 3.50% $5.00 N/A Monthly
Coverdell ESA 3.45% 3.50% $5.00 N/A Monthly


* Read the savings, checking and IRA Truth in Savings disclosure here and the share certificate Truth in Savings disclosure here.

** Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) are accurate as of August 1, 2023. The rates may change after the accounts are opened. Fees could reduce the earnings on the accounts. Dividends and percentage yields may change monthly, as determined by the Board of Directors. Credit Union membership is $5.00 par value.

*** Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) are accurate as of October 1, 2024. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawals. Dividends are credited to your Regular Share account or back to certificate.